Wednesday, February 12, 2014

CCNA 200-120 On-The-Go Video Boot Camp With Chris Bryant

CCNA 200-120 On-The-Go Video Boot Camp With Chris Bryant

Get CCNA Certified With Chris Bryant For $44 With BULLDOG60 Coupon Code! All Videos Fully Downloadable!
634 reviews
Get your CCENT and CCNA with my all-new CCNA 200-120 and CCENT 100-101 Video Boot Camp -- for just $44!
Truly the ultimate in CCNA Boot Camp preparation - and you don't have to take time off from work or take out a bank loan to attend!
You receive full access to all 27+ hours of the course, including downloading - you can download one video or download them all!
You'll have permanent online access to watch the videos whenever you like as well, and there's a Q&A forum right here on Udemy where you can post questions - and I'll answer them personally!
From my unbeatable, trick-free methods of teaching you how to perform binary, hex, and decimal conversions all the way through tough OSPF and EIGRP configs, you'll see it all right here on LIVE Cisco routers and switches - and you can watch every single session as often as you like.
Thanks for making The Bryant Advantage part of your CCNA success story!
Chris Bryant
CCIE #12933
"The Computer Certification Bulldog"

Powershell: A Getting Started Guide for IT Admins

Powershell: A Getting Started Guide for IT Admins

A complete guide for the beginning scripter or the veteran scripter that's just starting to learn Powershell
12 reviews
Automation techniques and scripting skills are no longer optional for a systems administrator; they are a necessity! Powershell is the scripting language that’s behind this requirement. Since Microsoft has released the Powershell language it only continues to pick up steam and be implemented across dozens of platforms. Powershell is now not only a scripting language like VBscript it’s a fully featured management framework that you can’t afford not to utilize.
This course will take your position to the next level if you’re a:
  • Sharepoint Administrator
  • Active Directory Administrator
  • PC Technician
  • Helpdesk Operator
  • SAN Administrator
  • VMware Administrator
  • Amazon AWS Administrator
  • ..and many more IT positions!
Don’t get looked over for that promotion or new job. Learn Powershell today to keep up with the ever-changing IT culture and to help make your job so much easier through automation.

Windows 8 For Dummies Video Training

Online Video Windows 8 Training Course
7 reviews
With this video, Andy Rathbone, best-selling author of Windows 8 For Dummies, shows you step by step how to use every new feature of Windows 8. Tackle the all-new Start screen, use the Charms bar, organize and launch apps, and then connect to the Internet, manage the Windows Mail app, and add your social media accounts. Toss in networking, security, and how to manage photos, video, and music, and you have the ultimate show-and-tell!
Windows 8 Training: Windows 8 for Dummies -Discover how to:
• Launch apps from the Start screen
• Locate and use the desktop
• Customize Windows security
• Use the newest Internet Explorer
• Set up a home network
• Play music and videos
Take this Windows 8 Training: Windows 8 for Dummies course now and learn basics of Windows 8.

HTML5 Beginners Crash Course

Learn HTML5 - the next frontier in web development!
25 reviews
HTML5 for Beginners is the fastest way to learn HTML5. This highly informative and popular course, already taken by over 1,600 people, is taught by Robin Nixon, author of Learning PHP, MySQL and JavaScript (the most popular book on web development worldwide for over two years). The course covers everything you need to know to learn HTML5 and leverage its power to create highly dynamic websites.
Because it starts from the first principles of HTML, you need no prior knowledge of the subject, since the course begins with a thorough introduction to HTML (which skilled users can skip), before moving onto what's new in HTML5.
HTML5 is the latest version of the Web's bedrock markup language, HTML. But it has come to stand for much more than the average, slow-moving technical standard. HTML5 is intended to make web sites behave more like conventional desktop applications, incorporating video, complex interactions and data as well as greater compatibility with mobile devices.
Something in the last 18 months kicked the HTML5 adoption machine into overdrive. Maybe it was Apple and Microsoft joining hands and dubbing it the future of the web (who knew it could happen?!). Maybe it was Google's launch of the Chrome Web Store, with its focus on HTML5 (get your angry birds fix in a 15 inch screen!). Maybe it was the HTML5-friendly (or shall I say Flash-unfriendly) iPad's meteoric sales. Whatever it was, a recent wave of web apps from huge technology giants confirms that this much-hyped language has business' blessing.
But where do you come in? As HTML5 becomes more and more popular, other web development solutions become less and less prevalent. In a few short years, either you'll be coding in HTML5 or you'll be working on IE 6 (good luck with that one!). On the flipside, develop a few HTML5 pages now and you'll become a guru, be the envy of your peers, and will be building websites that work on PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, Firefox, Chrome, the iPad, and any other device or browser you can think of.
So what are you waiting for? Grab this HTML5 crash course for beginners and start learning the future, today!