Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Creating Disks and Volumes Using the DiskPart Command

Creating Disks and Volumes Using the DiskPart Command

The following examples show how to create basic and dynamic disks using the DiskPart command.
Example 1: Creating basic disks using the DiskPart command.
  1. Select a disk, whether it is Raw or dynamic disk, and convert it to basic storage type.
    Display existing disks.
    DISKPART>list disk
    DISKPART>list volume
    Create the boot and system volume on disk 0
    list disk and volume command
    DISKPART>select disk 0
    (Optional) Convert to GPT style, if needed
    DISKPART>convert gpt
  2. Create basic volumes for the System and Boot volume.
    Create System volume
    DISKPART>create partition primary size=100
    Create Boot volume
    DISKPART>create partition primary
    DISKPART> list volume
  3. Mark system partition as active.
    DISKPART>list partition
    DISKPART>select partition 1
    Check the status of the system volume.
    DISKPART> detail partition.
    Note: Use active command only for the system partition.
  4. (Optional) Assign the volume a drive letter and format it.
    DISKPART>list volume
    DISKPART>select volume 2
    DISKPART>assign letter=C
    DISKPART>format quick
Example 2: Creating a System and a Boot dynamic volume using the DiskPart command.
  1. Select a disk, whether it is Raw or Basic disk, and convert it to a dynamic storage type.
    Display existing disks.
    DISKPART>list disk
    DISKPART>list volume
    Create the boot and system volume on disk 0.
    list disk and volume command
    DISKPART>select disk 0 
    (Optional) Convert to GPT style if needed.
    DISKPART>convert gpt
    DISKPART>convert dynamic 
  2. Create simple dynamic volumes for the System and Boot volume.
    Create a system volume.
    DISKPART>create volume simple size=100 
    Create a boot volume.
    DISKPART> create volume simple   
    Display created volumes.
    DISKPART> list volume
    Prepare volume 0 as the system volume.
    DISKPART>select volume 0 
    Prepare volume 1 as the boot volume.
    DISKPART>select volume 1
    DISKPART> select disk 0
  3. (Optional) Mark the system partition as active.
    Display partitions.
    DISKPART>list partition
    DISKPART>select partition 2
    Check the status of the system volume.
    DISKPART> detail partition 
    diskpart retain command
  4. (Optional) Assign the volume to a drive letter and format it.
    DISKPART>list volume
    DISKPART>select volume 1
    DISKPART>assign letter=C
    X:\windows\system32\DR>format C: /q
    Note: If you created a UEFI System partition, format it to a FAT32 file system before you can restore data. You do not need to run the retain command.
Example 3: Creating a non-system/boot disk volume using the DiskPart command.
  1. Select disks and convert to a Dynamic storage type.
    Display current disks and volumes.
    DISKPART>list disk  
    DISKPART>list volume
    Convert each disk except Disk 0 to dynamic disks.
    DISKPART>select disk 1
    DISKPART>convert dynamic 
    DISKPART>select disk 2
    DISKPART>convert dynamic 
    DISKPART>select disk 3
    DISKPART>convert dynamic 
  2. Create RAID-5 volumes on each disk. Similarly, you can create simple, stripe, or other dynamic disk types.
    create volume raid disk=1,2,3
    diskpart convert dynamic command
  3. (Optional) Assign the volume to a drive letter and format it.
    DISKPART>list volume
    DISKPART>assign letter=E
    X:\windows\system32\DR>format E: /q
Example 4: Creating UEFI system volume and boot volume
  1. Select disks and convert to the GPT type.
    X:\windows\system32\DR> diskpart
    Display the existing disks.
    DISKPART>list disk
    DISKPART>select disk 0 
    To create UEFI partition, disks must be converted to GPT type first.
    DISKPART>convert gpt
  2. Create the UEFI System partition.
    Create the UEFI partition.
    DISKPART>create partition efi size=100
    Create the MSR partition.
    DISKPART> create partition msr size=128
    Create the primary partition.
    DISKPART> create partition primary
    DISKPART>convert dynamic
    DISKPART>list volume 
    DiskPart Command using the convert dynamic argument.
  3. Retain the boot volume.
    DISKPART>select volume 1
    DISKPART>assign letter=C
  4. (Optional) Format the system volume to FAT32.
    Prepare volume 2 as system volume.
    DISKPART>select volume 2
    DISKPART>format fs=fat32 quick
    DISKPART>list partition
    DiskPart Command using the convert dynamic argument.
    Note: You only need to retain the boot volume. To restore data to the UEFI partition, the master server should be UEFI partitioned.
Example 5: Creating Mirrored system volume and boot volume.
The following steps describe how to create mirrored disks on UEFI volume. For more information about mirrored disk on UEFI volume refer to Microsoft document at this link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951985
  1. Select disk 0 and create the primary UEFI boot/system volume.
    DISKPART>list disk
    DISKPART>select disk 0 
    DISKPART>convert gpt
    DISKPART>create partition efi size=100
    DISKPART> create partition msr size=128
    DISKPART> create partition primary 
    DISKPART>convert dynamic
    DISKPART>list volume 
    DISKPART>select volume 1
    DISKPART>assign letter=C
  2. Select disk 4 as the secondary disk to create boot/system volume.
    DISKPART>list disk
    DISKPART>select disk 4 
    DISKPART>convert gpt
    DISKPART>list partition
    (Optional, delete existing partition) Select partition 1 on disk 4, and then delete it with the override command.
    DISKPART> Select partition 1
    DISKPART> Delete partition override
    DISKPART>create partition efi size=100
    DISKPART> create partition msr size=128
    DISKPART>list partition
    DISKPART>convert dynamic
  3. Establish a mirror from the boot volume to the secondary drive.
    DISKPART>select volume C
    DISKPART>add disk=4
  4. (Optional) Format the system volume with FAT32.
    DISKPART>list volume
    DISKPART> select volume 1
    DISKPART> format fs=fat32 quick
    DISKPART> select volume 2
    DISKPART> format fs=fat32 quick

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